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Historical Note - Week of December 24th

The Livingston Enterprise, December 24, 1892


Once more the Christmas-tide is here

With all its joy and mirth;

Once more the message of good cheer

Comes to our careworn earth.

And tho’ to some there’s grief and pain,

So hard to-day to bear,

Let angels’ presence come again

With balm for every care.

Above, the stars in gladness gleam

From out the vault of blue

The same, perchance, as long ago

When this old world was new.

When shepherds, underneath their light,

Saw first that Bethlehem start,

And angels bent, with harps of gold,

To tell the tale afar.

Oh! careworn hearts, but list to-day

To that sweet story told;

Oh! sorrowing spirit, upward gaze

And hear the harps of gold.

We toil for bread through all the year

Midst sorrow, and with pain,

But now the Christ has come to us

A little child again.

Put by awhile these carping cares,

Lay down the weary load

The light that shines from Bethlehem’s star

Illuminates all the road.

The shadows will have lighter grown

And Hope a flower will spring

From out the chaos of despair

At what the angels sing.

Each year this glad time comes to us,

Each time the last may be;

Then let the infant Jesus in

An honored guest to be.

Stretch forth thy hand to those in need,

Give love to all mankind;

And so the song the angels sang

Within our hearts we’ll find.


Cooke City, Montana.

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