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Historic Note - Week of November 12th

The Anaconda Standard, November 14, 1895


A Boom Stares the Place in the Face Just Now


Michigan Capitalists Take the Property and Will Work It—A Letter From Alaska—Notes of Interest

Special Correspondence of the Standard

Livingston, Nov. 12.—The recent purchase of the Daisy mine at Cooke City by Aaron P. Bliss and other Michigan capitalists signalizes the near approach of a bright day and the ushering in of a more prosperous era for the patient miners of the New World district. The sale has awakened increased interest in the many promising properties of the isolated camp and inspired the owners of the numerous rich claims with new hope and new courage.

In an interview had to-day with C.W. Anderson, one of the old-time miners of Cooke, who has put in the best years of his life developing his properties in the New World district, that gentleman spoke hopefully, even enthusiastically, of the present outlook and ultimate future of the famous camp. He said:

“There is every reason to believe that Cooke City will take on a tremendous boom next summer, and it would not surprise me to see a thousand men in the camp before the close of another season. The sale of the Daisy to such pushing, energetic and wealthy men as the Michigan syndicate is composed of means much for the future of the New World district.

“The deal which resulted in the purchase of the Daisy was engineered on the part of the syndicate by Dr. Lehnen, a mining expert of large experience, and under his management the property will be developed this winter. He has already commenced work on the mine and has a force of 15 men engaged in running a tunnel to tap the main lead. It would not surprise me if there were 0 men at work on the property before next spring.

“It is the purpose of the syndicate to erect a smelter next summer and commence milling operations on an extensive scale. The parties are now negotiating for the purchase of numerous other mines in the district, among which is the Republic group. This group is owned by George O. Eaton and others and the properties are under bond, which expires next February, to J.C. Vilas, cashier of the National Park bank of this city. The bond has never been placed on record, but it is stated that the price is something more than $40,000.

“I will leave for Cooke,” continued Mr. Anderson, “on Tuesday to spend the winter developing my properties. It is my purpose to sink the shaft in the Enterprise mine 50 feet further before next spring; it is now down 100 feet and follows the lead all the way. The work will probably be done under the direction of Dr. Lehnen, who is expected to return to Cooke from St. Paul in about a week.

“There will be lively times in Cooke next summer, and I look for many large sales to be made before long. Since the sale of the Daisy a large number of water rights and mill sites have been acquired in various parts of the district, and all the conditions are favorable for a big boom in Cooke next summer.

“What do I think about the segregation bill? Well, to tell the truth, I don’t think congress will ever pass it. I understand, however, that Congressman Hartman is going to make a hard fight at the coming session for the success of the measure. If he cannot secure its passage this winter the chances are that the bill will remain dead a long time.”

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