Historic Note - Week of August 20th
The Anaconda Standard, August 26, 1894
From Cooke City
Special Correspondence of the Standard
COOKE CITY, Aug. 24.— S.B. Tryman, our road supervisor, has gone out to his ranch, near town, to superintend his haying and will be busy at is several days.
Primaries will be held here on Saturday next, when a delegate to send to Livingston will be elected.
Considerable work is being done on the Crown Butte properties, and will probably be continued until late in the fall.
While waiting the arrival of a new chemist the cyanide mill is temporarily closed.
A sale of town and mining property for the sum of $8,000 was consummated last week. The parties owning and buying are both non-residents.
Mr. Youngman, formerly of St. Paul, and a property owner of Cooke, has gone out to Red Lodge, near which place he has taken up a ranch.
Several tourists from Red Lodge and vicinity passed through here yesterday on their way to the park.