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Historical Note - Week of Mach 13th

The Livingston Enterprise, March 14, 1885

News from the Mountains.

COOKE, MARCH 6, 1885. – We have had a very fine winter in this district and a considerable amount of work has been accomplished. Mr. Burke has sunk about 70 feet on his Climax lead and has a very fine showing; they are taking out rock that carries an abundance of free gold and brittle silver; they are crosscutting the vein at the bottom of the shaft and from indications it is at least 300 feet wide and Mr. Burke is correspondingly happy. Mr. Emerson of the Dewdrop is working on his tunnel and expects soon to break through the casing and will commence shipping ore as soon as the roads are passable. Howell brothers with Gassert and Redding are pushing work on the Morning Star and there is no doubt but what, if appearances to not change for the worse (and there will need to be a wonderful change if they do), they will erect a smelter on the property in the spring. George Huston and John Curl have closed down work on the Iron Clad on account of not having sufficient dump room for their ore as they do not like to take chances on losing so much valuable ore in case of snow slides. Mr. Fraser has just come in from the Rara Avis and has some fine ore assaying up in the thousands. Mr. Dunnigan, an owner in the mine, is superintending the work; it is situated just below and on the same belt with the Nettie mine, owned by Stone & Co., that is a wonder to all who see it. Mr. Stone expects to put on a large force of men in the spring and thoroughly develop that and other mines in the vicinity. Mr. Bateman is pushing work on the Unicorn and has four or five thousand feet of shafts and tunnels on the property and an excellent showing. Hayne and Lynch are running a tunnel on their property just above town. Frank Bennett and Lawyer Tappan has suspended work on their mine until after high water. Other work in in progress in the district but your correspondent was unable to visit all the mines.

Our camp has been the scene of many very pleasant social events during the winter, the last of which took place at the residence of Mrs. Dr. Macumber where the elite of the town assembled and enjoyed dancing until 12 o’clock when a bountiful supper was spread; afterward dancing was resumed and continued until the “wee sma’ hours.” It was pronounced the leading social event of the season.

The action of certain Park officials in locating valuable property when it was reported that a part of the Park was segregated is criticized here. They pounced upon Soda Butte springs and other properties and went so far as to have their location notices posted in advance and changed from day to day. This they did while professing great commiseration for the squatters who were summarily ejected from their homes on the Park borders in the dead of last winter.


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