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Historical Note - Week of February 22

Gardiner Wonderland, February 25, 1905

Adam Gassert and David Johnson arrived in Gardiner from Cooke City on Wednesday, after spending three months doing assessment work on their numerous claims in that valuable mining district. They report that all is looking toward a large amount of work being done the coming season and that it is the opinion that Cooke will see a rush of people into that gold-bearing district this year that will be surprising. Adam says the report that his whiskey froze up and he was obliged to take it in chunks, is a prevarication, and that for ninety-nine days he was without a single drop of the liquid that is death to snake bites. He further alleges that it is an actual fact that during the time he was at Cooke he worked seventy-three days and six bits, but that statement is not borne out by Mr. Johnson.

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